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>Smeg Off!

31 Aug


I love British sitcoms and T.V. shows. In fact, if I’m flipping through channels and hear even a whisper of an accent, I have to stop and watch a bit. Why is this? No idea. Here are a couple of my favorite shows from over seas.

What do you get when you mix the last human on earth, a hologram, a cat, and a mechanoid?
A whole lotta fun, that’s what! If you have not seen this show, go watch it! You will not be

The oddest bunch of priests you ever met. One’s a pervy drunk, one’s naive and childish, and
the other wants to be rich and famous. It’s amazing. Maybe better than Red Dwarf? It won’t
let me embed a clip, but the link above will lead you to the “lingerie skit”. So funny.

I love this one! Again, no good links, but they usually play reruns on BBC America. It’s your basic home sitcom about a dentist and his family, but with better jokes and Madam Hooch from Harry Potter!

Now smeg off!