>Veggies who Grin!

9 Nov

>Whoo! November! It got here really fast, didn’t it? We’re already a week or so in and my Holiday gift list is seeming to grow longer and longer. My goal this year was to make at least one gift for each person, and aside from the odd pouch or pencil roll, I’ve barely started! Plus., there are always those people that are so hard to shop for, let alone craft for! *determined* I will get it done.

I recently bought some new fabric! They’re both by Michael Miller. The top one (Garden Collage, I think) I got off etsy. I love how it looks like its been drawn by a marker. The colors are great! The bottom I got at Holly Mountain Quilters, a local shop in downtown Blue Ridge. It was in the 40% off bin and I was like, “*gasp* Holy S***!” The veggies have FACES!!!! It’s pretty much the cutest thing ever. It will probably go towards making something for Phillip’s dad, who loves to garden and cook. He’s also one of those hard to craft for individuals. Oh well. I love it!

One Response to “>Veggies who Grin!”

  1. Mel Makes Pretty November 11, 2008 at 11:25 pm #

    >I love those fabrics. Love the Vegies. I have some hard to craft for people as well but I’m sure you’ll get some inspiration.Good luck with it!Your blog is so cute, I do love your creations so far!

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